Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The first entry after the first.

I know, yesterday, just yesterday i indicated that i would not blog in here until anytime soon. But heck, I was never able to stay away from my brand new blogs (Yes, you got it right, i used to have blogS), and I suppose, never will.

I know, a person like me, who frequently talk to herself and seems to do lots of thinking really needs a place where she can write free-flow-ly. Especially when that person has lots of time to do so. But time is something that I don't really have. As much as i realise my love for writing, I also realise that I'm so prone to not write soon. Thats what had happened to my other blogs. Left neglected, until I reached one point when I felt i didnt do justice to the blogspace by having frozen blogs, so I finally hit the DELETE button. But not without preserving some of what I've written. I edited them, so some became short stories, and some, poems.
I don't know for how long this blog will last. I also don't know if this blog will be beneficial to anyone else. But at the moment, I really have the urge to write. Or to be more specific, actually I need to read what I have to write.

Oh I've got to stop now. Got to attend to something else.


  1. anyway I'll waiting for yr new post.. Really miss to read all yr post.. welcome back az.. warm hug form me
