Monday, May 4, 2009


If only i can make my head feels better and thinks less just by jotting down some of its 'content' here.
i always want somethings, and when i decide to go after those 'things', i'll be forced to face lots of trouble, headache, and kusutness before i get to own them. And then i feel like letting those things go, but i can't. not anymore.
life ain't easy.
I know, i do.
but i wish it could be easier.
as a kid i thought when i grew up i wouldn't have any problems.
Adults seem able to handle anything. Throw any puzzles to them, they'll be able to solve them. Adults always have the answers to questions. Adults do so many things that children don't, they don't even allow children to try. it must be so good to be an adult, then.
Or so I thought.